My name is Teresa and you may know me from @teresaboyd_tanning (work, personal ig) or @tboyd_ldn_tanning (work), or I may have tanned you in the past. I have been tanning for 4 years now and absolutely love what I do.
I meet amazing people all along my journey with #tanning ( #beauty ). I started back in 2011 when I used to work with nails and lashes then found my forte with tanning. You may have already came across some of my work in magazines and television.

I work with some awesome companies like Secret Spa, Fake Bake, Sienna x & Vita Liberata.
I also work on events and from time to time I still do some occasional modeling.
So here is my new page dedicated to work. I hope you all enjoy and follow my journey.
Love, Peace and Golden Glows Tx